
Welcome to my blog. This is a blog meant for younger people, although adults can get something from it as well. This site is for people who are actually trying to improve themselves. This isn't about impressing parents, your boss, or friends. This website is about you, being your best self, and the self you want to be.

Abundance Mindset - Day 1


Posted on : 8:37 PM

So today was my first day of setting aside 20 minutes to visualize abundance. It was actually harder than I expected. I usually don't put a time limit on meditation or visualizing, so time seems to go a lot slower than normal. It's okay, though, as I plan to plow through no matter what happens. If all that is necessary to start the journey to abundance is 20 minutes of visualization every day, I can easily find time to do that.

On top of this, I'm trying to visualize abundance whenever I have nothing on my mind. It's tough to get in the perfect mode, but I'll get better at it. Nothing really manifested today, which is expected. On top of this, I've been reading some books on abundance. I found a book called the Science of Getting Rich, and it's got some really good stuff in it. I'll be applying some of the techniques to my visualization.

Tomorrow I may go job hunting. Not because I want a job, but I need some money to start coming in now. Tomorrow I'll set the intention to further my path towards abundance, and see where it leads me. The goal is NOT to get a job, but if I do, that's cool. The goal is to get some insight on abundance! I find when I let the intention be a bit more broad, it's easier to see the result.

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