
Welcome to my blog. This is a blog meant for younger people, although adults can get something from it as well. This site is for people who are actually trying to improve themselves. This isn't about impressing parents, your boss, or friends. This website is about you, being your best self, and the self you want to be.

30 days of Abundance Visualization


Posted on : 10:49 PM

So, I'm sick of letting other people govern my life. I thought I'd done away with all of that, but it turns out there's still one huge mental block. Money. I don't have too much money right now, (okay, I'm broke) and because of that, I need to rely on other people. This has to stop. I know right now I have a scarcity mindset, and that's creating all the problems I have. So I'm going to do a 30 day experiment with visualizing an abundance mindset.

Basically, this involves visualizing 20 minutes a day on how I would feel if I was more abundant. I basically imagine what I would do if I had unlimited amounts of money or whatever, but more importantly, how I would feel. The idea is that after all these visualizations, it becomes your dominant thought process. Because of this, opportunities start coming your way for true abundance. I'm going to blog about this experiment everyday for the first few days, mainly so I don't stop doing this. Wish me luck!

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